❓ What share of sales represent Marketplace sales compared to retail sales  ?

Sales via Marketplace can represent a huge and rapidly growing portion of a website’s total sales.

According to FEVAD, marketplace sales represent 34% of the overall sales of sites that have it.

On Amazon, Marketplace sales in France would represent 70% of sales overall, a figure higher than the site average, which is around 60%. Some countries have been opened exclusively in “marketplace” mode, such as India, where 100% of Amazon sales are made by marketplace sellers.

On the seller side, the share that marketplaces represent in their activity can be very variable. Some companies sell exclusively on marketplaces and therefore achieve 100% of their turnover there (this is the case of Momox for example, a German company with more than € 100M in turnover on marketplaces). For others who have a website, it is not uncommon for marketplaces to represent 10 to 30% of their business volume.

This is certainly not a rule, as it will depend on the investment and strategy of each seller.