❓ How to monitor, control and control the prices charged on the Amazon marketplace  ?

As a brand, selling on Amazon makes it possible to monitor the prices charged by competitors and sometimes very aggressive resellers.

Even if brands cannot impose a price on Amazon, being a marketplace seller gives transparency on the prices charged by other sellers for the same products.

Being a referenced and active brand on Amazon is a good way to monitor the pricing practiced by sellers.

Sellermania’s software integrates a dynamic price calculation module “Market First”, awarded and rewarded for its innovation, which allows a dynamic adjustment of all its prices, in real time on Amazon, according to a large number criteria: competition, type of logistics (Shipped by Amazon or not), condition of new or used products, seller’s profile, obtaining the purchase box, competitor’s nationality, etc. The adjustment is done automatically, without the intervention of the seller, once the process has been configured, which is very fast.

The impact on sales is major, and 99% of salespeople who use this solution see a significant impact on turnover.